We women have our own unique health issues and ayurveda has solutions for most of them. Some of the common problems we face can be categorized as due to,
- Hyper or Hypo Thyroidism
- Hormone related disorders
- Degenerative Disorders
- Post Menopausal
An increase or decrease in Thyroid Hormone can become an important factor in Infertility, Overweight, causing Facial hair, Leucohorrea (white discharge), Frequent abortions, etc.
When we reach 45 – 50 years, mensuration ceases and along with it comes a flurry of hormonal changes which leads to hot flushes , dryness of vagina, leakage of urine , joint pain and emotional issues like depression, anxiety, mood swing, less interest in sex.
Hormonal disorders can lead to Poly cystic ovaries (PCOD, PCOS) which makes it difficult to get pregnant. Degenerative disorders like IVDP (Intervertebral Disc Prolapse), osteoarthritis (OA), etc affect us much more and earlier than men.
Ayurveda has solutions for most of these issues. Over the years, we have successfully treated majority of these issues using panchakarma and medicines. Call us for an appointment or walk in to have a free consultation with Dr. Seema Ranjit to discuss your issue.
You can reach at us 9995586811 or 0471 4099920.